Aerobic activated sludge transformation of methotrexate: Identification of biotransformation products |
Kosjek, Tina
; Negreira, Noelia
; López de Alda, Miren
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
15 maig 2015 |
Aerobic activated sludge transformation of methotrexate: Identification of biotransformation products |
Kosjek, Tina
; Negreira, Noelia
; López de Alda, Miren
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
16 desembre 2024 |
(Bio)monitoring of pharmaceuticals in the Mediterranean aquatic environment and interactive effect with microplastics. Insights from field and laboratory studies |
Castaño-Ortiz, Jose Maria
2016 |
Bquant – Novel script for batch quantification of LCMS data |
Rožman, Marko
; Petrović, Mira
Bquant – Novel script for batch quantification of LCMS data |
Rožman, Marko
; Petrović, Mira
Bquant – Novel script for batch quantification of LCMS data |
Rožman, Marko
; Petrović, Mira
1 juny 2018 |
Bquant – Novel script for batch quantification of LCMS data |
5 juny 2018 |
Bquant – Novel script for batch quantification of LCMS data |
Rožman, Marko
; Petrović, Mira
28 gener 2019 |
Characterization of dissolved organic matter in wastewater using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry |
Verkh, Yaroslav
Characterization and Reactivity Studies of a Terminal Copper-Nitrene Species |
Corona Prieto, Teresa
; Ribas, Lídia
; Rovira Coll, Mireia
; Farquhar, Erik R.
; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
; Ray, Kallol
; Company Casadevall, Anna
Characterization and Reactivity Studies of a Terminal Copper-Nitrene Species |
Corona Prieto, Teresa
; Ribas, Lídia
; Rovira Coll, Mireia
; Farquhar, Erik R.
; Ribas Salamaña, Xavi
; Ray, Kallol
; Company Casadevall, Anna
octubre 2005 |
Compositional Data in Biomedical Research |
Billheimer, Dean
Compositional Data in Biomedical Research |
Billheimer, Dean
Direct detection of key intermediates in rhodium(I)-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloadditions of alkynes by ESI-MS |
Parera Briansó, Magda
; Dachs Soler, Anna
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Pla i Quintana, Anna
; Roglans i Ribas, Anna
8 octubre 2012 |
Direct detection of key intermediates in rhodium(I)-catalyzed [2+2+2] cycloadditions of alkynes by ESI-MS |
Parera Briansó, Magda
; Dachs Soler, Anna
; Solà i Puig, Miquel
; Pla i Quintana, Anna
; Roglans i Ribas, Anna
2018 |
Estudi del comportament de les nanopartícules de plata en sòls agrícoles = Study of the behavior of silver nanoparticles in agricultural soils |
Torrent Fàbrega, Laura
; Iglesias Juncà, Mònica
; Laborda García, Francisco
; Marguí Grabulosa, Eva
; Hidalgo Muñoz, Manuela
gener 2015 |
Identification of new transformation products during enzymatic treatment of tetracycline and erythromycin antibiotics at laboratory scale by an on-line turbulent flow liquid-chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometer LTQ-Orbitrap |
Llorca, Marta
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Couillerot, Olivier
; Panigoni, Karine
; Gunzburg, Jean de
; Bayer, Sally
; Czaja, Rico
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
Identification of new transformation products during enzymatic treatment of tetracycline and erythromycin antibiotics at laboratory scale by an on-line turbulent flow liquid-chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometer LTQ-Orbitrap |
Llorca, Marta
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Couillerot, Olivier
; Panigoni, Karine
; Gunzburg, Jean de
; Bayer, Sally
; Czaja, Rico
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
Identification of new transformation products during enzymatic treatment of tetracycline and erythromycin antibiotics at laboratory scale by an on-line turbulent flow liquid-chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometer LTQ-Orbitrap |
Llorca, Marta
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Couillerot, Olivier
; Panigoni, Karine
; Gunzburg, Jean de
; Bayer, Sally
; Czaja, Rico
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
1 juny 2018 |
Identification of new transformation products during enzymatic treatment of tetracycline and erythromycin antibiotics at laboratory scale by an on-line turbulent flow liquid-chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometer LTQ-Orbitrap |
5 juny 2018 |
Identification of new transformation products during enzymatic treatment of tetracycline and erythromycin antibiotics at laboratory scale by an on-line turbulent flow liquid-chromatography coupled to a high resolution mass spectrometer LTQ-Orbitrap |
Llorca, Marta
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Couillerot, Olivier
; Panigoni, Karine
; Gunzburg, Jean de
; Bayer, Sally
; Czaja, Rico
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
23 novembre 2004 |
Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi |
Pla i Quintana, Anna
Macrocicles nitrogenats contenint unitats de ferrocè i llurs complexos de Pal·ladi(0). Estudi estructural i aplicacions en catàlisi |
Pla i Quintana, Anna
Multi-residue method for the determination of antibiotics and some of their metabolites in seafood |
Serra Compte, Albert
; Álvarez-Muñoz, Diana
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià
Multi-residue method for the determination of antibiotics and some of their metabolites in seafood |
Serra Compte, Albert
; Álvarez-Muñoz, Diana
; Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara
; Barceló i Cullerés, Damià